Our Origin Story
We started Point Botanicals to bring our unique approach to growing high-functioning supplements to the world.
What drives us
Point Botanicals
Point Botanicals was started the day videos of the Pandemic spread across social media. We immediately wanted to know, "how do we strengthen our family's immune systems?"
We didn't even know what an immune system was.
But we knew how to find the answer and so we set out on a quest to discover the science that shows what's missing from our body's when we get sick. And where we could find them.
Through years of reading scientific experiments, we came to find some horrible truths:
- The soil has less minerals in it every decade (1).
- All crops have less vitamins every decade (2).
- 95% of supplements are inert and don't absorb (3).
- Every aisle in the grocery stores is filled with pesticides (4, 5, 6)
- Even organic baby food is full of toxic heavy metals (7)
- The air and water is full of endocrine disrupters (8, 9).
- Almost every organ is tainted with microplastics (10, 11)
- And plastic chemicals like BPA are hyper obesogenic (12)
- BUT plant sourced supplements absorb at a higher rate (13, 14, 15)

Discover Sulforaphane
Arguably the most important molecule of our life time, this magical plant compound activates your body's own detox genes, leading to a myriad of incredible results.
How we're different
Vertical Farming
As experts in growing pristine crops, indoors using "vertical farming," we set out to grow the best supplement we could. 4 years of intensive research and development lead to a break through moment when we realized we could grow sulforaphane precursors better than anyone else on the market.
That's when we built Point Botanicals. To bring our discovery of highly active sulforaphane precursor molecules to the world.
Our vertical farming expertise is what sets us apart in this crowded world of health and wellness. Every single seed is treated like the miracle that it is. Capable of turning simple inputs like water and light into complex molecules like glucoraphanin and the enzyme myrosinase.
One major factor that makes our Brocclean product line so special is the activity level of our plant derived myrosinase enzyme. This critical piece to the sulforaphane story is an enzyme that acts on glucrophanin only when dissolved in acid water. Like a pair of scissors, myrosinase chops off pieces of glucroaphanin to create the molecule called sulforaphane.
Just like any pair of scissors, they can only cut so many times until they become dull. That number is measured as Units/Gram of material. Our raw and organic myrosinase is at the same quality of lab grade material or up to 10x higher for our medical line of Brocclean Pro.
To learn more about Sulforaphane, please read more here.